To George Washington from Patrick Henry, 19 October 1787
From Patrick Henry
Richmond October 19th 1787
Dear sir.
I was honor’d by the Rect of your Favor together with a Copy of the proposed fœderal constitution, a few Days ago, for which I beg you to accept my Thanks.1 They are also due to you from me as a Citizen, on Account of the great Fatigue necessarily attending the arduous Business of the late Convention.
I have to lament that I cannot bring my Mind to accord with the proposed Constitution. The Concern I feel on this Account, is really greater than I am able to express. perhaps mature Reflection may furnish me Reasons to change my present Sentiments into a conformity with the opinion of those personages for whom I have the highest Reverence. Be that as it may, I beg you will be perswaded of the unalterable Regard & Attachment with which I ever shall be Dear sir your obliged & very humble Servant
P. Henry
1. GW sent Henry a copy of the federal Constitution on 24 September.