From George Washington to John Paul Jones, 2 September 1787
To John Paul Jones
Philadelphia Sept. 2d 1787
Should this letter reach you in time, the purport of it is, to beg your care of the enclosed to the Marqs de la Fayette;1 and to inform you that all the letters, Memorials, and Papers of every kind which had been transmitted to me as President General of the Society of the Cincinnati, were forwarded (not expecting to attend it myself) to the last General meeting holden in this City but how they were acted upon is not in my power to inform you, not being at it.2
I have received, and have forwarded to my house the Bust you did me the honor to present me with, and shall place it with my own.3 wishing you every possible felicity I have the honor to be—Sir Yr Most Hble & Obed. Sert
G. Washington
1. GW’s letter to Lafayette is dated in his letter book 15 August.
2. See Jones to GW, 25 July, and note 3 of that document.
3. See Jones to GW, 25 July, and note 1 of that document.