George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Elizabeth Powel, 30 July 1787

To Elizabeth Powel

[Philadelphia] Monday Morning [30 July 1787]

Genl Washington presents his respectful compliments to Mrs Powell, and would, with great pleasure, have made one of a party for the School for Scandall this evening; had not every thing been arranged, & Mr Govr Morris and himself on the point of stepping into the Carriage for a fishing expedition at Jenny Moores; at which place Mr & Mrs Robt Morris are to be to morrow, to partake of the successes, of Mr Govr Morris & himself this day.1

The Genl can but regret that matters have turned out so unluckily, after waiting so long to receive a lesson in the School for Scandal.

AL, ViMtvL.

1The Convention adjourned from 26 July to 6 August. GW wrote in his diary for 30 July: “In company with Mr Govr [Gouverneur] Morris, and in his Phaeton with my horses; went up to one Jane Moores in the vicinity of Valley-forge to get Trout.” The next day, “Whilst Mr. Morris was fishing,” GW “rid over the old Cantonment of the American [army] of the Winter of 1777, & 8. Visited all the Works, wch. were in Ruins” (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 5:178–79).

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