George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Samuel Powel, 30 June 1787

To Samuel Powel

Philadelphia June 30th 1787


In a letter which I have lately had the honor to receive from Arthur Young Esqr. Author of the Tours, and many other useful publications on practical farming in the following paragraphs.

“I am informed &c.1

The annals alluded to accompany this letter, and I have particular pleasure in being the mideum thro’ which they are convd to the agricultural Society of this City, for the success of whose laudable endeavors to promote Agricultur, my best wishes are offered.2 I have the honor to be Sir Yrs &c.

G. Washington

LB, DLC:GW. In the letter book the letter is to “The President of the Agricultural Society Philadelphia.”

2The Minutes of the Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of Agriculture (Philadelphia, 1854) has this entry for 3 July 1787: “The President presented to the Society a letter from General Washington, of the 30th Ult., which was read. It was accompanied with 6 volumes of the Annals of Agriculture, by Arthur Young, Esq., who desired the General to present the same to the Society, to whom Mr. Young tenders his service” (32). Samuel Powel responded to GW’s letter on this date: “Sir I am much obliged to you for your Letter of this Day, & the acceptable present of Mr Youngs Works which accompanied it I shall take the first Opportunity of presenting them to the Society, to whom the Medium of presenting them, from Mr Young, cannot fail of being particularly acceptable. Will you, Sir, add to the Favor now conferred on the Society, the Honor of being present at their next Meeting which will be held at the Carpenters Hall on Tuesday Evening next about half an Hour after Seven?” (DLC:GW). In his diary entry for Tuesday, 3 July, GW wrote: “Dined at Mr. [Robert] Morris’s and drank Tea at Mr. Powells—after which, in Company with him, I attended the Agricultural Society at Carpenters Hall” (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 5:173).

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