George Washington Papers

To George Washington from George Fox, 14 May 1787

From George Fox

Third street [Philadelphia] May 14th 1787


In conformity to an unanimous Vote of the Society for Political Inquiries, I have the honor to signify to your Excellency their request, that you would permit them to enrol your name in the list of their Honorary Members. For your information with respect to the views which gave rise to this institution, I hand you a copy of its laws, and can not but add, that the Society flatter themselves, from your continued endeavours to advance the interests, as well as promote the Liberty & happiness of your fellow citizens, that you will not decline uniting with them in an undertaking dictated by the purest motives.1

It is with particular pleasure, Sir, that I comply with the directions of the Society, as it affords me an opportunity of assuring you of the sentiments of profound respect with which I have the honor to be Your Excellency’s most obedient and very humble Servant

Geo: Fox


George Fox (1759–1828) of Philadelphia received his degree from the college at Philadelphia in 1780 and then sailed for Europe, where he remained until 1783. In 1784 he was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society. At the death of his friend William Temple Franklin, Fox inherited the greater part of Benjamin Franklin’s papers, most of which were deposited at the American Philosophical Society in 1840.

1On 9 Feb. 1787 a group of Philadelphians calling itself the Society for Political Enquiries began meeting weekly in the library of Benjamin Franklin, who was made president. The meetings discontinued after the formation of the new federal government.

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