George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Henry Lee, 28 April 1787

From Henry Lee

Leesylvania April 28th 1787

Dear Sir

I have Sent you by my Servant One bushel of Italian forward black eyed Peas they were first brought into this Country by Mr Madza on James river they are the best Sort of Pea of the kind.1 I am Sorry to hear you have an Attack of the Rheumatizm I have been Severely afflicted with it, this Winter & Spring tho’ I am now able to ride out—otherwise I should have paid my respects to you at Mount Vernon before this—with my best respects to Mrs Washington I am Most respectfully Yr Excellencys Most Obt hble servt



Henry Lee of Prince William County died later in this year.

1“Mr Madza” was Philip Mazzei.

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