George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Jean Le Mayeur, 8 April 1787

From Jean Le Mayeur

Peterbirg april 8. 1787


Since I left the seet of his Excellency, I met with several misfortunes the first I have been burried almost in the mod at dunfries and near falmouth since that time to much devotion Carried me in to another, two weelks ago in amelia Cunty on my way to church (in compagny with a number of ladies on horse back) to heard a sermon to be preached by a foreign clergyman one of their horses made a kick at mine, which unfortunetly miss him and I received it so violently that the heel of his shou Cot my boot double and stocking througt to the bone which confined me to my bed for Eleven days.1

I hope his Excellency and Lady Washington to whom I present my profond Respect is in better health then when I left Mount Vernon and think by this time I may venture to pay my Compliment of felicitation and his Lady. I have no doubt but that his Excellency has knowledge of the death of Col. Carry who has left his children almost without any fortune, and has sold to his son in law, Tom Randolph (wedower[)] a Tract of land for seventeen thousand pounds which has been paid him in Cash and since his death it has been found the whole was morgaged and Col. Tom Randolph at Tuckhoe is security for twenty five thousand pounds for which Col. Carry gave him—his dweling place, Mill and dependancys for his security a dett he had Contracted prior to the Commencement of the war, as well as a seizure of ninety negros which was made before his death, and since two action have been brought of three thousands pounds Each (I have forgot wether currency or sterling) besides a number of smaller sums.2

Miss Lucy Randolph is Married to Mr Latile three weeks ago at wilton.3 I have the honour to be with the highest Respect and veneration your Excellency most obedient and most humble Servant

John Le Mayeur


1Le Mayeur’s departure from Mount Vernon was not auspicious: he left on 9 Feb. “but meeting with some accident to his Chaise returned again”; not until the next day “After breakfast” did he “again set out” (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 5:103).

2Archibald Cary (1721–1787) of Ampthill in Chesterfield County, president of the Virginia senate, though in straitened circumstances, at the time of his death held 2,180 acres and 36 slaves in Chesterfield County, 4,992 acres and 189 slaves in Cumberland County, and 7,000 acres and 41 slaves in Buckingham County. His daughter Jane (1751–1774) at the time of her death was married to Thomas Isham Randolph of Ben Lomond in Goochland County, the “wedower” mentioned here. Another daughter, Anne (1745–1789), was married to Col. Thomas Mann Randolph (1741–1794) of Tuckahoe in Goochland County. According to his will, proved 3 Mar. 1787, Cary divided his estate equally between his three surviving daughters and the eldest sons of his two deceased daughters (Harrison, Virginia Carys, description begins Fairfax Harrison. The Virginia Carys: An Essay in Geneaology. New York, 1919. description ends 91–93, 177).

3Joseph Latil, a Frenchman who was pressing for payments to Beaumarchais from the state of Virginia, married Lucy Randolph, daughter of the late Peyton Randolph of Wilton and Lucy Harrison Randolph. Lucy Latil died in 1790.

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