George Washington Papers

To George Washington from George Turner, 5 April 1787

From George Turner

New York, April 5th 1787


At the Request of the Cincinnati of South-Carolina, I have the honour to forward herewith, for the Favour of your Excellency’s Signature, an Hundred and two Diplomas. The Box containing them, encloses, also, a Return of the Members for whom they are intended: The additional Diplomas are meant for those who may chuse to have Duplicates; excepting one, which is designed for Lieutenant-Colonel Langborn, now abroad.1

As the Society of that State have expressed an anxious Desire to be honoured with your Name, Sir, as their President, I feel equally anxious to lay these Diplomas before your Excellency in due Time to obtain it.

May I request to have them returned to me here by some safe Conveyance, addressed to George Turner in New-York (and, least I may be absent) To the Care of the honorable William Grayson in Congress.2 With the greatest Respect, Sir, I have the honour to be Your Excellency’s most obedient humble Servant

G. Turner

P.S. The Box goes to the Care of Doctor Craig at Alexandria.


George Turner, who attended the General Meeting of the Society of the Cincinnati in May 1784 as a delegate from South Carolina, was made the assistant secretary general of the society in May 1787.

1For William Langborn’s sojourn in Europe, see Lafayette to GW, 6 Feb. 1786, n.13.

2GW wrote to Turner on 26 April from Mount Vernon: “Sir, Your letter of the 5th inst., and the box containing the diplomas for the officers of the State of So. Carolina, came duly to hand. I have signe[d] the diplomas and sent the box to Doctr Craik in Alexandria to be forwarded by a safe conveyance and have directed it to the care of Colo. Grayson as you requested—The enclosed list I have returned agree[a]ble to your desire. I am Sir Yr most Obed. Hble Servt G. Washington” (LB, DLC:GW).

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