George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Mauduit du Plessis, 26 March 1787

From Mauduit du Plessis

Charleston [S.C.] 26th March. 1787

My General,

My health, and the air of Georgia have determined me to give up all to Mr McQueen, & return to France, if my disorder will permit me ever to see it again. I hope in a few days to embark on board an English Vessel. I cannot express to you the joy which I feel, at the idea of having it in my power, in about 2 months, to embrace my wife, children, relations & friends.

I shall never forget the attention & kindness which Your Excell[e]ncy & Madam Washington shewed me. I shall do myself the pleasure of letting you hear from me in France; & shall be always happy to receive your commands there.

I beg your Excellency to receive the assurances of my most sincere attachment & perfect Respect,


Translation, DLC:GW; ALS, in French, PHi: Gratz Collection.

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