George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Matthew McConnell, 10 March 1787

From Matthew McConnell

Philad[elphi]a 10th March 1787


I have taken the liberty to send for your perusal the inclosed Pamphlet, which I beg you will accept of.1 And have the honour to be, with great esteem & respect Sir Your most Obedient & very humble Servt

Mat. McConnell


1Matthew McConnell’s 90–page pamphlet, printed in Philadelphia in 1787 by Robert Aitken, is entitled An Essay on the Domestic Debts of the United States of America. Giving an Account of the Various Kinds of Public Securities, and, Generally in What Manner the Debts Arose: with the Provision Made and Proposed for Payment of the Interest and Principal Thereof by Fœderal Measures, and of Those Adopted by Individual States. . . . GW thanked McConnell for the pamphlet on 23 Mar.: “Sir, you will please to accept of my best thanks for your polite attention in sending me your Essay on the Domestic Debets of the United States which together with your letter of the 10th instant, I have rcd. I have not yet had opportunity to peruse your work but I think from the contents that it must be a useful and valuable performance. I am Sir Yr most Obed. Hbe Servt G. Washington” (LB, DLC:GW).

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