George Washington Papers

To George Washington from William Deakins, Jr., 9 March 1787

From William Deakins, Jr.

George Town [Md.] March 9th 1787.


I have sent by your Boat 200 Bushels Oats, tho the price is higher than I could have Wished but at this season they Generally Advance in price, I think you will find them Very good, & I am sorry I could not supply the full Quantity you want.1 I am with the highest Respect Your Excellency’s Obt hble Servt

Will. Deakins Junr


1Deakins added this invoice:

115 Bushels Oats @ 3/6 £20: 2:6
 24 Bushels Poland Oats @ 3/9 4:10:0
 61 Bushels 3/ 9: 3:0
200 dollars at 7/6 £33:15:6

GW does not record in his cash accounts this purchase from Deakins. For the oats that GW bought in March from various people, see Ledger B description begins General Ledger B, 1772–1793. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , 242.

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