George Washington Papers

To George Washington from John Minter, 2 March 1787

From John Minter

Jacobs Crick [Pa.] the 2 day of March 1787

Sir I am informed you have a Conveyance of three tracts of Land from Vallentine Crawford one of which I as administrator sold to the widow Stephenson to rais money to pay the debts of Mr Crawford not knowing their was any inthrolment on it I have sum reason to believe the Lands was Conveyd to you as a security for a sum of Money that he owed to you if this is the Case you will Let Mr Wells know the amount of your demand as he is know impowerd to settle Crawfors Estate1—I refer you to Mr Wells for the situation I am in and hope you will give up the Land on gitting a Crtainty for what Crawford is indebted to you—from yours—

John Minter

ALS, DLC:GW. The letter was sent “Pr Favior Ben⟨j⟩. Wells.”

John Minter served as a captain of the Yohogania County militia during the Revolution. In 1776 Valentine Crawford sold Minter “a certain negro woman named Sall” (Albert, Westmoreland County, description begins George Dallas Albert, ed. History of the County of Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, with Biographical Sketches of many of its Pioneers and Prominent Men. Philadelphia, 1882. description ends 60).

1For Valentine Crawford’s debt, see GW to Thomas Smith, 8 May 1786, n.1.

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