George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Benjamin Franklin, 11 February 1787

To Benjamin Franklin

Mount Vernon 11th Feby 1787

Dear Sir,

On the 3d of Novr I had the honr of addressing your Excelly a letter, of which the enclosed is a copy. Having heard nothing from you since, I am led to apprehend a miscarriage of it, and therefore give you the trouble of a duplicate: not knowing what reply to make to Sir Edward Newe[n]ham, or what more to do in this business untill I am favoured with your answer.1 With the greatest respect & regard I have the honor to be Yr Excellency’s Most Obedt Hble Servt

Go: Washington

ALS, owned (1988) by Dr. and Mrs. C. Phillip Miller, Chicago, Ill; LB, DLC:GW.

1GW wrote Edward Newenham on 10 Mar. enclosing Franklin’s response, which has not been found.

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