George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Thomas Seddon & Company, 9 January 1787

To Thomas Seddon & Company

Mo[un]t Vernon 9th Jany 1787.


I have received your letter of the 10th of Decemr together with the several numbers of the Columbian Magazine. I thank you for your attention to me in sending the several numbers which have been published, & wish you to consider me a subscriber; as I conceive a publication of that kind may be the means of conveying much useful knowledge to the community which might otherwise be lost, and when it is properly conducted, it should, in my opinion be properly encouraged.1 I am Gentn &c.

G: Washington


1Thomas Seddon, who had a book and stationery store in Philadelphia, joined with the editor Mathew Carey, the engraver James Trenchard, and two successful Philadelphia printers, Charles Cist and William Spotswood, to begin publication in 1786 of the Columbian Magazine: or Monthly Miscellany. In January and February 1787 the magazine ran David Humphreys’ piece relating to GW and the Asgill affair (see Humphreys to GW, 16 Nov. 1786, n.1). On 11 Feb. GW instructed Clement Biddle to pay Seddon & Co. for the Columbian Magazine, and Biddle’s invoice of 20 Feb. shows his payment of ten shillings.

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