George Washington Papers

Mount Vernon Store Book, January 1787

Mount Vernon Store Book

Editorial Note

The Mount Vernon store book preserved at Mount Vernon lists “Articles recd into the Store” between 6 Jan. and 14 Nov. 1787, and “Articles del[ivere]d out of the Store” from 1 Jan. to 31 Dec. 1787; it also contains the “Rum Acct” from 1 Jan. to 9 Oct. 1787. On the first page of the store book is a listing of the “Skins put into the Vatts Apl 12th 1787” at Mount Vernon farms (House, River, Dogue Run, and Muddy Hole): 32 cowhides, 1 bull hide, 9 calfskins, 6 horsehides, and 7 ass skins. Only the January records for the store are printed here. A transcription of the entire Mount Vernon Store Book is in CD-ROM:GW.

[1–31 January 1787]

Articles recd into the Store

6 3 Barls Clover seed Contg 10 Bushls @ 54/ pr Bushl each Bushl weighing 68½ lb.
10 6 sides of upper leather from Fairfax
12 30 Sides Sole leather from Do, 9 Sides upper leather from Do, 16 Sides Do from Do & 1 peice
19 4 Balls shoe thread
20 4 lb. of Powder @ 2/6 pr lb.
23 11 Sides upper Leather from Fairfax
26 Recd the following Harness belonging to the Baggage Waggon, viz., 2 breast plates—2 pr traces—2 short swingle trees—1 long Do—4 Collars—2 pr Hames—2 pole chains—
29 11 pr leading lines from the old seine line

Articles del[ivere]d out of the Store.

1 200 10d. & 400 6d. nails to Mathew for the New Room—400 old 8d. nails deld to muddy hole will for makg doors
2 400 6d. nails to Green for the Bottle rack—A Ditching line to the Ger[ma]n—4 Mattocks & 3 Axes to Sambo to put helves into & to be returned—Returned—1 handsaw file to Mahony—4 Mattocks & 3 axes to Frenche’s Plantation
4 1 pruning chissel & 2 staves to Muddy hole Will (returned)—100 10d. nails to Muddy hole
5 200 6d.—200 4d. brads to Mathew for the New Room
6 1 Bag timothy seed sent to Col. Bland by the Norfk Packt1
8 50 30d. nails to Green for a Chaff box
9 200 10d. to the Mill
11 1 side sole leather to Shoemakr
12 4 Charges of Powder & Shott to Fairfax
13 1 Ball thread to Shoemaker—1 lb. Powder to Davis to blow Rocks with—50 tacks to Mathw for listing the dining room door—50 20d. nails to Smith the Ship Carpenter
15 1¼ powder to Davis for to blow Rocks
16 60 30d. nails to the Ship Carpenter—2 pr leading lines of the old Jack line to Frenche’s Qr.—2 pr plow traces to Do—1 Side upper leather to the Shoemaker
18 ½ bagg white lead to Mathew, to put on the mouldings in the New Room—1 paper Lampblack to Fairfax to blk Calves Skins
19 25 30d. & 60 8d. nails to Smith Ship Carpenter—½ lb. Powder to Overseer—1 lb. Shott to Davis
20 1 side sole leather to Shoemaker—20 bundles Twine to Lawce McGinnis for the Seine
22d 1 lb. powder to Cornelius to blow Rocks—50 30d. nails to Tom Green to secure rafters in removing Richards House
23 50 20d. nails to Isaac to bond a Cart body—1 Handsaw file to Do
27 1 Frying pan for Dutch woman—2 pr Traces, 2 pr Hames, to Frenches Quarter—200 10d. nails to Smith Ship Carpenter
29 1 Pr leadg lines to French’s Qr.—1 Spade to the Dutchman
30 1 Spade to Breeche (old one)—1 Side sole leather to Shoemr
31 100 6d. brads to Mathew

1787 Rum Acct Dr

1 To 70 Gallons in the Store
Weekly Allowances deld out of the Store
To the Joiners & Cornelius 10½ pints
To Shoemr & Taylor 3½ Do
To Lawson Ditcher 3 Do
To the German 2 Do
To Davy 2 Do
To Morris 2 Do
To Muddy hole Will 2 Do
To Isaac 2 Do
To Philip illegible Apl 11th 2 Do
To Thos Green    2 pints 3⅝ Gallons
12 The white people have one bottle per day from this date on acct of the Cyder’s being out
4 Deld Sam 1 bottle for burng the brick kiln
6 Boatswain 1 pint for the same purpose—2 Bottles for the house
7 1 quart to Smith the ship Carpenter—1 qt to Sam for burng the Kiln
9 1 qt To Do for Do—1 qt to Smith S. Carpenter—2 qts to Mill
12 2 qts to Do—1 Do to House
15 2 qts to Mill wrights
16 1 Do to Smith Ship Carpr
16 1 Do to Do
17 2 Do to Millwrights
18 1 pint to a sick woman at French’s Quarter
19 1 qt to Ship Carpenter—2 qts to the Millwrights
20 1 Do to Smith Ship Carpenter—1 qt to the House
22 2 Gallons to Lawson the Ditcher—2 qts to the Millwrights
24 2 qts to Do
25 1 qt to Smith Ship Carpenter
26 2 qts to the Millwrights
27 1 qt to Smith Ship Carpenter
28 2 qts to the Ho.
29 2 qts to the Mill
31 2 qts to the Mill

Index Entries