To George Washington from Charles Little, 15 December 1786
From Charles Little
Clish Decr 15th 1786
I would have complyed with my promise: given your Execellencey; before this time, but have been from home for several days. I have now colected all the papers; and accounts which relate to Colo. Thos Colvile’s; affairs[.] them with a Bond of Sidney Georges, which I found amongst John Colvils, papers, I have Inclosed you.1 I have The Honour to be with due respect your Excellency’s Very Humble Servt
Charles Little
ALS, DLC:GW. An examination of the manuscript reveals that Little probably inserted the punctuation after writing the letter, perhaps explaining the semicolon after “Colvile’s.”
Charles Little (c.1744–1813), a Scot who came to Virginia in 1768 and married Mary Manley, bought Cleesh, at the head of Hunting Creek, from the estate of Thomas Colvill.
1. Sidney George was the eldest son of Sidney George (d. 1774) of Cecil County, Maryland. According to GW, Little was acting as agent for the Tankervilles in England. For the Tankerville involvement in the Colvill estate, see GW to Tankerville (Charles Bennett, 4th earl of Tankerville), 20 Jan. 1784, n.1; for GW’s role in settling the estate, see the references in that note.