From George Washington to Clement Biddle, 18 August 1786
To Clement Biddle
Mount Vernon 18th Augt 1786.
Dr Sir,
This letter serves to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 13th & to inform you that I have this day, sent a small box to Alexandria to go from thence by the Packet, or first conveyance to Philada to your address. It contains two window curtains which I pray you to get new dyed of the same color, green, & returned to me as soon as may be.
I am obliged by your care of my letters; & thank you for the attention paid to the other requests of my former letter.1 The price of Mr Howells leather is not cheaper than it is sold at in Alexandria, & the freight would make it come higher. I am Dear Sir &c. &c.
G: Washington
1. See GW to Biddle, 31 July.