From George Washington to Wakelin Welch, 4 August 1786
To Wakelin Welch
Mount Vernon 4th Augt 1786.
The inclosed is a copy of my last letter to you, since which I have drawn upon you in favor of the honble Geo: Wm Fairfax for £155.14:9.—of Henry Hill Esqr. for £43.12.4 and of William Hartshorne Esqr. of this date for £47.12.6. which please to pay with my money in the Bank1 & there by oblige Sir Your Most Obed. &c.
G: Washington
1. GW’s “last letter” has been dated c.1 July. See GW to George William Fairfax, 30 June, and GW to Henry Hill, 3 August. In his cash accounts GW notes paying on 5 Aug. £66.13.4 in Virginia currency to William Hartshorne for “my ¼th Dividend of P[otomac] Co[mpany]” ( , 231). For his “money in the Bank,” see GW to Welch, c.1 July, and the reference in note 2 of that document.