George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Richard Sprigg, 28 June 1786

To Richard Sprigg

Mount Vernon 28th June 1786.

Dr Sir,

When your favor of the 1st inst: accompanying the she ass, came to this place, I was from home; both however arrived safe, but Doctr Bowie informed me by letter, that the bitch puppy was not brought to his house—nor have I heard anything more of the Asses which were at Marlbro’—nor of the grass seeds committed to the care of Mr Digges.1

I feel myself much obliged by your polite offer of the first fruits of your Jenny. Tho’ in appearance quite unequal to the match—yet, like a true female, she was not to be terrified at the disproportionate size of her paramour—& having renewed the conflict twice or thrice, it is to be hoped the issue will be favourable. My best respects attend Mrs Sprigg & the rest of your family—With great esteem & regard I am Dr Sir &c.

Geo: Washington

LB, DLC:GW. printed version of the ALS, George D. Smith catalog, item 136, undated, p. 8. The catalog copy is clearly a faulty transcription.

1See Sprigg’s letter of 1 June. The letter to GW from Dr. Bowie has not been found.

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