George Washington Papers

From George Washington to William Moultrie, 14 June 1786

To William Moultrie

M[oun]t Vernon 14th June 1786.

Dr Sir,

Since I had the honor of writing to your Excellency last, I have been favored with the enclosed from Mr Hughes, in answer to mine respecting Mr Brindley. If you Sir, or the Board of Directors of the So. Carolina canal should incline to return the answer requested & will commit it to my care; I will be particularly attentive to it, as I shall have pleasure in obliging you, or them.1 I have the honor to be &c.

G: Washington


1GW wrote to Moultrie on 25 May in response to Moultrie’s request of 7 April for aid and advice regarding a project to connect by canal the Santee and Cooper rivers in South Carolina. Neither GW’s letter to Samuel Hughes, the manager of the Susquehanna canal project in Pennsylvania, nor the reply from Hughes has been found. Moultrie’s reply to GW is dated 7 August.

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