To George Washington from David Stuart, 6 June 1786
From David Stuart
Abingdon 6th June—[17]86
Dear Sir,
As nothing could be transacted in a more favourable manner for the estate; than the way in which your account is settled, it must always be infinitely obliged to you—I assure you I am perfectly satisfyed1—with great regard I am, Dr Sir Your Obt Servt
D:d Stuart
1. What prompted this letter is not known. In March 1786 GW settled his account with the estate of John Parke Custis by acknowledging having received the balance due the estate. GW received payments due the Custis estate from the English firms of Robert Cary & Co. and Hanburys, interest due from Bank of England stock, Magnolio and another horse, oats and corn, amounting in all to £2,584.5.4 Virginia currency. This was mostly in payment of rents due on the dower plantations since Custis’s death in 1781 ( , 224).