From George Washington to Thomas Ridout, 20 May 1786
To Thomas Ridout
Mount Vernon 20th May 1786.
Since my last dated the 20th of August, I have been favored with your letters of the 31st of Augt, 7th of Septr & 4th of Novembr in the past year.
The packages by the Peggy, Capt. Cuningham are safely arrived. I am sorry they should have given you any trouble, & am much obliged by your care of them.
I have paid Colo. Fitzgerald the full amount of the Wine & other articles wch were sent to me by Captn Smith; & am sorry to add that the quality of the Claret on proof, did not answer my expectation, & was far short of some other of the same cargo, wch I had drank at other places. I ascribe this however to chance; it may be my luck next time to get better, & therefore when your Vessel comes to this river again, I request that a gross of the best may be sent to me.
Excuse the liberty I take of addressing a packet containing papers of consequence, to your care for the Marqs de la Fayette, & a barrel;1 to both of wch I ask your particular attention. I am Sir &c.
G: Washington
1. The packet contained copies of Lafayette’s letters. See GW to Lafayette, 10 May, n.1. The barrel contained hams that Mrs. Washington intended for Adrienne, the marquise (see GW to Lafayette, 8 June). W. B. Smith was master of Ridout’s brig Fanny.