To George Washington from Doilliamson, 28 April 1786
From Doilliamson
Versailles 28th Aprl 1786
I am exceeding happy that the Marquis de la Fayette, gave me an opportunity of doing something agreeable to you.
I was overjoyed at receiving the letter which you did me the honor to write, it never came to my hands ’till the other day on acct of a journey which I had taken.1
Madam Doilliamson has charged me to do myself the honor of telling you, that she felt very sensibly the acknowledgements which you made her, & is delighted that her favorite gave you as much pleasure as she experienced in offering it to the greatest man of the Age, the Friend of Mankind & Liberty—that he may long enjoy that happiness which he has procured to Millions is the prayer of us both—I am, with respect Sir Yr most Obedt & most Hble Servt
Translation, DLC:GW; ALS, in French, DLC:GW. The ALS is transcribed in CD-ROM:GW.
1. GW wrote the comte Doilliamson (d’Oilliamson) on 1 Sept. 1785 to thank him and his wife for the seven hounds that they had sent him (GW to Lafayette, 1 Sept. 1785, note 2).