To George Washington from Cheiza D’Artaignan, 18 March 1786
From Cheiza D’Artaignan
Alexa[ndria] 18 March 86
My General
The Count De Cheiza D’artaignan, has the Honour to Inform you of his being arriv’d at Alexa. for these Four Days; having Come from Cape François St Dominicque, He Proposes to Pay his very Humble Rispects & duty which he Owes to your Rank & Illustrious merite, He hopes that His General will Grant him the Permission to Pay his Court (or to Pay his Respects) & the Honour of his Protection (or Patronage[)]. He has the Honour to be with very High respect My Genl Yours &c.
Cheiza Darteignan
Translation, DLC:GW; ALS, in French, DLC:GW.
GW had this to say about the comte de Cheiza d’Artaignan: “A Gentleman calling himself the Count de Cheiza D’arteignan Officer of the French Guards came here to dinner; but bringing no letters of introduction, nor any authentic testemonials of his being either; I was at a loss how to receive, or treat him. He stayed dinner and the evening” (4:296).