To George Washington from James Taylor, 13 March 1786
From James Taylor
Norfo[lk] 13 March 1786.
I had the Honor of yours of 22d febry1 & agreeable to your request have forwarded the pipe of Wine by a ship, the Captain of whom promises to deliver it safe at your own door2—Mr Newton says he will pay the freight, Duty & charges as below—I presume the House in Madeira mentioned their having drawn a Bill for the amount of this Wine, which I have in possession, & shall wait your Directions respecting it.3 I have the Honor to be Sir Your most obed. hbl. Servt
Jas Taylor
1. Letter not found. See 22 February.
2. See Lamar, Hill, Bisset, & Co., 6 Dec. 1785, and notes. Taylor appended the following account of charges:
1786 His Excelley Genl Washington To James Taylor Deb. | ||
febry 1 | To Cash pd freight of wine 30/ Sterlg | £2. 2. |
To Do pd Duty Do | 1.13.4 | |
To Do Dray, landg & storage | . 7. | |
£4. 2.4 |
3. On 22 Mar. aboard the “Ship Bristol off & from Philadelphia,” John Earle wrote GW: “The Inclosed Letters, are from Gentlemen in Norfolk, who apply’d to me to forward a pipe of Wine to you[r] Excelly which I have on board—As my Boats are not all together Callculated for landing such a Cask I have Sent my Yawl with an Officer to know if you have any Boat Sutiable for the purpose—If not my long Boat shall proceed to the Landing of it as soon as I receive your Ansr by my Officr” (DLC:GW).