To George Washington from David Ramsay, 22 February 1786
From David Ramsay
New: York Feby 22d 1786
I beg that you would do me the honor to accept a copy of a book I have lately published & which is herewith transmitted. I only regret that my remote situation precluded me from comprehending the operations of the middle & eastern States in which you were the principal actor.1 Should the perusal give you a moments pleasure I shall be happy. At all events I beg you would accept it as a token of my gratitude for the important services you have rendered our common country & as an evidence of the particular esteem in which you are held by your Excellencys most obedient & very humble servt
David Ramsay
1. Ramsay’s two-volume The History of the Revolution of South Carolina, from a British Province to an Independent State (Trenton, 1785) was in GW’s library at his death. See GW’s acknowledgment, 5 April 1786. Ramsay published his two-volume general history of the Revolution in 1789, for copies of which GW thanked Ramsay on 3 June 1790.