George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Bryan Fairfax, 9 January 1786

From Bryan Fairfax

Towlston January the 9th 1786.

Dear Sir

I have sent the Bearer for a few Slips of the weeping willow You were so kind as to offer me, as well as to ask your Advice, in case I should not have an opportunity hereafter, where an Execution should be sent vs Dr Savage’s Estate. I have brot up with me a copy of the decree whereby we are at Liberty to proceed at Law upon the Judgement obtained. I must apply to the Clerk’s office for a scire facias in order to have an execution, as well as to bring on a Judgement upon the subsequent annuities; and in case I should not be able to do myself the pleasure of Going to Mt Vernon before that time, I beg to know Yr opinion into which county it would be adviseable to send an Execution—for No Execution can be had in Carolina without commencing a fresh suit there. The Doctor had Lands in Culpeper & prince William as well as in this county: perhaps an Execution mt be sent into each, of which I shall know more when I hear from Mr Cl: Moore to whom I applyed to prosecute the Business in the county court.1

I should not have troubled You with this but I thot this matter of the Execution a material point.

I shall hope to have the Favor of Yr Company when You come into these parts—By what I learn I imagine the managers will have hard work to controul those that they have lately brot up.2 Our Compliments to Mrs Washington & Family—& I remain Dr Sir Yr obliged & affect. humble Servt

Bryan Fairfax


Fairfax’s house, Towlston Grange, was in Fairfax County.

1The legal involvement of GW and Bryan Fairfax with the late Dr. William Savage on behalf of his wife Margaret Savage, dating back to the 1760s, returned to plague GW soon after he arrived at Mount Vernon following the war. See Edmund Randolph to GW, 19 Feb. 1784, n.3. For a renewed inquiry about Mrs. Savage’s estate and GW’s response, see Thomas Brereton to GW, 12 April, and GW to Brereton, 20 April 1786.

2He is referring to the Potowmack Company workers.

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