To George Washington from Gardoqui, 1 January 1786
From Gardoqui
New york 1st Jany 1786.
There is I beleive few foreigners who can boast of being your sincere admirers at so early a period as myself, haveing by a variety of circumstances of my private life been well inform’d of the transactions on this Continent. Beleive me Sir that the more I hear’d, the best I wish’d you, but as the world has done due justice to your great meritt & I Know that I am not capable of saying enough on such a deserving Subjectt, I must leave this happy work to better pens, assuring you that your confering me your esteem & freindship will give me the highest satisfaction.
Your obliging Invitation by Mr Rendon’s letter in case I shou’d visitt the Southern States, is a Kindness that I shall never forgett & I own candly that shou’d my circunstances permitt me to make such a escurssion it will be principaly for the honour of waiting upon you & that of haveing your personal acquaintance, but in the mean time I must beg the favour of your correspondence & of your advise in whatever may tend to the wellfare & happyness of this Country & that of the King my Master, being the sole view of my hearty wishes.
Tellez arriv’d safe here & I have already provided a passage for him. I am glad that he had the luck to carry the animal safe & that his beheaviour in his line was proper.
Your letter to my freind Mr Carmiachael shall be carefully forwarded,1 & permitt me to add before I conclude that your real great character & the advise of many of your freinds has induced me to avoid all treatment & to address myself in this freindly stile which hope will be agreable, persuaded of the unfeigned respectt & affection with which I have the honour to subscrive Sir your most obedt humble Servt
James Gardoqui
ALS, DLC:GW; ALS, DLC:GW. GW received and endorsed both copies of this letter. The second has Gardoqui’s notation below his signature: “(Duplicate) The original was forwarded on this datte by Mr Rendon’s answer.” Francisco Rendon’s undated reply to GW’s letter of 19 Dec. has been given the date of 31 Dec. 1785. Diego Maria de Gardoqui had been in Philadelphia since June 1785 as Spanish chargé d’affaires.