To George Washington from Battaile Muse, 26 November 1785
From Battaile Muse
Fauquier C[ount]y Novr 26th 1785
Honorable Sir,
the bea[rer] Mr Daniel Harrel who Lives in this County is desirous to become a Tenant of yours on Lott No. 2. 140 acres—which Lott is now Inhabited by Michael Ruse a Man not worth anything—I have recommended the bearer to you for your approbation for a Lease on the following Terms—to have a Lease agreeable to the Covenants of your Late Lease for the Term of Ten years His paying the annual rent of Ten pounds ⅌ year—the small grain that is now soun the said Harrel is to Pay for on demand at what Ever its Valued at by Capt. John Edmonds—the Said Harrel is to Produce to you a Satisfactory recommendation respecting His Carracter.1 I am now on the Land and Shall advise you soon of my Proseedings the Back rents of this Lott No. 2 appears to be Lost as well some others by removeal of the tenants.2 I am Sir your Humble Servt
Battaile Muse
ALS, DLC:GW. Postscript in GW’s hand.
1. GW wrote at the bottom of the letter: “Agreed to let Danl Harrel have the aforesaid Lot No. upon the terms mentioned in this letter—and promised Harrel that I would write to Mr Muse accordingly.” Muse leased GW’s lot 2 in Fauquier County to Harrel at £10 per annum for ten years to end 25 Dec. 1795. See Lists of Tenants, 18 Sept., n.11, Muse to GW, 28 Nov., GW to Muse,4 Dec. 1785, and , 288. Harrel remained on the lot only until 1790.