George Washington Papers

From George Washington to John Fitzgerald, 26 November 1785

To John Fitzgerald

Mount Vernon Novr 26th 85

Dear Sir,

If the necessary alterations are made in the petition and Bills which were drawn by Mr Johnson—and fair copies of them taken the sooner they are forwarded to the respective assemblies the better.1—Time is gliding away—at the latter part of a session the members get impatient and but too often reject matters, because they will not spare time to attend to them.—I am—Dear Sir Yr Obed. Servt G. Washington

P.S. I am to dine with Col. Lyles on Monday2—If there is anything before the Board, and you will let me know the hour of attendance; and will give Colo. Silpit [Gilpin] notice of it, I will be there—not expecting, nor indeed will it be convenient for me, to be up again in a short time. G.W.

Typescript, ViMtvL.

1For the petition and draft of a bill regarding the depth of the proposed Potowmack Company’s locks and canals which Thomas Johnson prepared for presentation to the Virginia and Maryland legislatures, see Thomas Johnson to GW, 4 Nov., n.1.

2William Lyles, formerly of Charles County, Md., had a distillery and dry goods store in Alexandria. GW dined with Colonel Lyles on Monday, 28 Nov., at his rented house on Prince Street, but there does not seem to have been a meeting of the trustees of the Potowmack Company (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 4:241).

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