George Washington Papers

From George Washington to William Bailey, 22 November 1785

To William Bailey

Mount Vernon 22d Novr 1785.


I have received your favor of the 19th.1 The expensive manner in which my Nephews are proceeding at George Town, added to some other considerations, have determined me to remove them from the Academy at that place, to Alexandria.

I have already for about fourteen months residence, paid to Mr Stoddart & yourself £125.11.0 on their Accot; & it appears from your letter of the above date, that for near half that time, they are yet owing for Board—& have an Accot besides for cloathing; & these too almost independent of their schooling.2 I am Sir Yr Obt hble Servt

G: Washington


1Letter not found. GW’s nephew Lawrence Augustine Washington brought the letter from the merchant William Bailey in Georgetown on 20 Nov. (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 4:235).

2For the arrangements that GW had made to have his nephews George Steptoe Washington and Lawrence Augustine Washington obtain schooling in Georgetown, see Benjamin Stoddert to GW, 21 June, and GW to Stephen Bloomer Balch, 26 June 1785.

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