George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Lamar, Hill, Bisset, & Company, 18 November 1785

To Lamar, Hill, Bisset, & Company

Mount Vernon 18th Novr 1785.


Inclosed you have a copy of my last—Since which I have been honored with your favor of the 22d of Augt—This Letter will be conveyed to you by —— in the ——, which will return immediately to this river & afford a safe & good conveyance for the Wine ordered by Mr Hill—the cost of wch as soon as I am advised of it shall be paid by a Bill on London.1 I am Gentn &c.

G: Washington


1For the correspondence regarding a pipe of Madeira for GW from the vintners, see Lamar, Hill, Bisset, & Co., 20 (not 22) Aug. 1785, n.1.

Index Entries