George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Thomas Cushing, 16 November 1785

From Thomas Cushing

Boston November 16th 1785


The foregoing is a copy of mine of the 9th instant by Mr Fairfax, who set out on his journey together with the Spaniard & the Jack on the 10th instant—I have not as yet been able to procure from Mr Peirce of Gloucester, nor from Mr Cabot of Beverly their respective Accounts for the passages of the Jack Asses, & therefore cannot as yet send your account of expenditures relative to the Jacks,1 but have at present taken the liberty to draw a Sett of bills of exchange dates November 16th 1785 for the sum of three hundred dollars in favour of Messrs Isaac & William Smith merchants of this Town on their order, payable at ⟨mutilated⟩ sight, which I doubt not you will honour,2 ⟨as soon⟩ as I can procure the accts above referrd to, I shall send forward your account. In the mean time, I remain With great respect & esteem Your most humble Servant

Thomas Cushing


1For David Pearce’s charges for transporting the jackass from Bilbao to Gloucester, see William Hartshorne & Co. to GW, 26 Nov., n.1. Cushing paid on GW’s behalf the charges for the passage of the jackass that died at sea (see William Hartshorne to GW, 25 Mar. 1786).

2GW paid Cushing’s draft on Isaac & William Smith “the moment it was presented” (GW to Cushing, 5 April 1786).

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