To George Washington from Samuel Powel, 10 October 1785
From Samuel Powel
Philadelphia 10 October 1785
Dear Sir
As I am confident that every Thing, that appears likely to be of use to our Country, will be readily promoted by you, I have taken the Liberty of sending you a small Quantity of Wheat imported from the Cape of Good Hope. It is thought to be of a superior Quality & as such may be worth planting for the Sake of procuring Seed. I have planted nearly as much as I have now sent you, in Clumps of Six Inches square, which gives nine Grains to a Clump, thus [ ],1 with an Interval of Six or Eight Inches between each Clump in order that the Ground between each Clump may be stirred in the Spring. This is Mr Bordeleys Method, who thinks it is attended with many Advantages over the broad-Cast or drill Sowing.2
Mrs Powel begs Leave to join her best Comps & Wishes for yourself & Mrs Washington to those of Dear Sir Your most obedt humble Servt
Samuel Powel
ALS, DLC:GW. “Favored by the revd Mr Griffith” is written on the cover. David Griffith may have delivered the letter on 15 Oct. when he was at Mount Vernon in attendance at the wedding of George Augustine Washington and Fanny Bassett.
1. The diagram inserted here is a square made of three lines of three dots.
2. See GW to Powel, 2 November.