From George Washington to William Temple Franklin, 26 September 1785
To William Temple Franklin
Mount Vernon 26th Septr 1785.
The last post gave me the pleasure of receiving your favor of the 20th inst: covering, among others, a letter from the Marquis de la Fayette, who speaks of you to me in very advantageous terms.1 but your own merit Sir, of which I have heard frequent mention, is alone sufficient to impress me with very favourable sentiments of you; of which I should be happy to give you personal assurances at this place—if inclination, or business should induce you to visit this part of the United States. I am Sir, &c.
G: Washington
LB, DLC:GW; LB, MHi: Adams Papers. For the delivery of this letter, see George Taylor, Jr., to GW, 17 October.
1. See Benjamin Franklin to GW, 20 Sept., n.3. See also Lafayette to GW, 14 July.