From George Washington to Jean Louis Le Barbier, 25 September 1785
To Jean Louis Le Barbier
Mount Vernon 25th Septr 1785.
I have been honored with the receipt of your letter dated at Paris the 4th of March; & pray you to accept my thanks for those copies of your Dramatic performance which you had the goodness to send me; & in which you have made such honorable & flattering mention of my name.1
I lament Sir, that my merits are not equal to your praises—& regret exceedingly that my deficiency in the knowledge of the French language does not allow me to become master of the Drama, & of those sentiments which I am told are beautifully expressed in it by the author. Upon my gratitude you have a large claim for those expressions of esteem with which your letter is replete, & which, from a Gentlemen who professes not to compliment, are the more to be valued. I have the honor to be &c.
G: Washington
1. See also Richard Henry Lee to GW, 23–31 July 1785, and GW to Lee, 22 August.