To George Washington from Battaile Muse, 14 September 1785
From Battaile Muse
Sepr 14th 1785
Honorable Sir,
I wrote you Last week Fully respecting your Business—I have now sent to the Care of Mr Hartshorn one bushel Clover seed.1
some Persons has applyed to me Respecting Leaseing Some of your Lands In Fauquier Cy—and I am Told that some of the Tenants are about To remove. I can do nothing respecting that Land as I have no Instructions from you—I shall go to that County about the 25th of this month if its Convenient you will-Please to Send me your Instructions Perticularly Respecting Transferrences and the Conditions for now renting and whether Paying arrears will be sufficient To receive a new Tenant.2
Doctr MacKey wishes to rent your Lotts In Winchester on Lease and desires you to say what is your Conditions—the Lotts are so Sittuated that unless the Doctr rents them no one will, as its not Convenient to any Person but Him—I shall be glad to Hear from you next week by Post.3 I have the Honour to be your Most Obedient Humble Servant
Battaile Muse
1. Presumably Muse is referring to his letter of 6 September.
3. See Muse to GW, 6 Sept., n.4. GW does not refer to Dr. Robert Mackey or to his lots in Winchester when he writes to Muse about his tenants on 18 September.