To George Washington from Thomas Freeman, 27 July 1785
From Thomas Freeman
Redstone [Pa.]
July 27th 1785
May it Please your Excellency
In my last to you I informed you of my Necessity of Advertising for the Rebuilding and repairing the Mill, the meeting of the Undertakers to be the first Ult. I had the Mortification to find myself disappointed by none, at least none to undertake meet me, so that the Mill is not doing any good at all I have some Inclination to try a Second Advertisement on the same Acct but shall wait for your Approbation as this will come Imediately into your Hands by the Bearer Mr Jackson.1
I met Mr Smith at Union Town last Term & took his Advice in regard to the Arrearages from the Tenants in the Bottome and am Prosecuting his directions therein,2 I likewise have seen Coll Stephenson & enquired of him what he knew relative to your Claims in Washington County but he nor his Brother, knows nothing of certainty in regard to it. Mr Charles Morgan seems to be the Principal evidence that is to be met with in this Country of which I informed Mr Smith, who had already got Intellegence of him.3
Mr Simpson has Informed me fully of his determination to leave the Place he Occupies this fall, I have not yet got any Person to take Possessions nor do I know wether I shall be Justifiable in so doing untill further Order from you. I believe I can get some part of it sown down this Season & have made some Advances thereto—Mr Simpson offers putting in the Corn Ground and finding Seed at fifteen Shillings Per Acre I have Offered Ten and I will give no more, however if you would wish to have any thing done concerning that Place I hope you will communicate it to me by some speedy Oppertunity.4
As to Applications for the Lands on the Ohio & Kanhawa I have had none since I wrote to you, nor shall have any I imagine, the Indians seems to be much unsettld and untoward. I have the Honour to be your Excellencys most Obedient Humble Servant
Thomas Freeman
1. See Freeman’s “last,” dated 9 June. For GW’s despairing view about his mill’s future, see his letter to Clement Biddle of this date.
2. The “Bottom” is Washington’s Bottom in Fayette County, Pa., a 1,644–acre tract owned by GW and until September 1784 managed by Gilbert Simpson, Jr.
3. In his letter of 11 April, GW instructed Freeman to assist GW’s attorney, Thomas Smith, in preparing his case against the settlers on GW’s Millers Run property. Freeman was to seek information from his neighbors and from William Crawford’s half brothers, Col. John and Marcus Stephenson. Charles Morgan, who was a witness for GW in his Millers Run ejectment suits, may be the man of that name who went down the Ohio from Fort Pitt on 20 Oct. 1770 with GW, William Crawford, and others (see Thomas Smith to GW, 9 Feb. 1785, n.15). In 1794 Morgan became collector of GW’s rents in Pennsylvania (Morgan to GW, 26 Nov. 1794).
4. See Freeman to GW, 9 June, n.6.