From George Washington to George Weedon, 23 July 1785
To George Weedon
Mt Vernon 23d July 1785.
Dr Sir,
It is some time since I received the enclosed Bill, under cover from the Drawer: among a multiplicity of other letters it got buried & forgot; until a line from Mr de Marbois the other day, forwarding the third bill of same tenor & date, reminded me of it.1
As I do not know who the Treasurer of the Society of the Cincinnati of this State is, I take the liberty of committing the Bill to your care, with a request that you would be so obliging as to ask him personally if he is near you, or by letter if he is at a distance for a receipt for it, that I may transmit the same to Colo. De Corney, with an apology for my long silence.2 If I knew who the state Treasurer is, I would not give you any trouble in this business; but as I really do not, I hope it will be received as an excuse for having done it. I am &c.
G: Washington
1. GW is referring to the bill drawn by Ethis de Corny on Jeremiah Wadsworth to pay for Corny’s admission to the Virginia Society of the Cincinnati. See François Barbé de Marbois to GW, 12 June.
2. See Weedon to GW, 10 August.