To George Washington from William Augustine Washington, 10 July 1785
From William Augustine Washington
Blenheim [Westmoreland County] July 10th 1785
Dr sir
Your favour by Francis Herbert together with a Gross of Bottles came safe to hand1—I thank you for the information, of the demand of 5 Pr Ct upon each Share, from the Proprietors of the Potomck Company; I have for some time past waited with impatience, for an opportunity to Alexandria, by which I might contrive my quota, but none offering, have determined to send my servant as far as your house with the Money, and have to request the favour of you to contrive it to Mr Hartshorn.2 Jenny joins me in our sincere Loves to you & Mrs Washington, concludes me Dr sir Your Sincerely Affe
Wm A. Washington
ALS, ViMtvL.
1. Letter not found. Francis Herbert has not been identified.
2. For earlier references to William Augustine Washington’s payment of the requisition due from Potowmack Company shareholders, see William Hartshorne to GW, 5 July. There is this notation below Washington’s signature:
Memm of Money sent— | |
10 half Joes | £24. 0.0 |
1½ Guineas | 2. 2.0 |
2 Dollars | 12.0 |
£26.14.0 |