From George Washington to Thomas Corbin, 8 July 1785
To Thomas Corbin
Mount Vernon 8th July 1785.
Yesterday afternoon I had the honor to receive your favor of the 24th of June; covering a letter from Colo. Fairfax of Bath, dated in Mar: last.1 The latter speaks of the injurious treatment you have met with, & of the aspersion of your character in England—for which I am exceedingly sorry; but as he draws no conclusion, & your letter is silent, I am a little at a loss to discover the tendency of the information of them to me;2 & therefore shall only add that whenever it is convenient & agreeable to you to come into this part of the Country, I shall be glad to see you at this place—& that, I am Sir—&c.
G: Washington
1. Corbin’s letter has not been found, but see George William Fairfax to GW, 19 March. Both letters were brought to Mount Vernon on 7 July by Corbin’s steward.