George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Christopher Richmond, 19 May 1785

To Christopher Richmond

Mt Vernon 19th May 1785.


Your letter of the 10th not getting to my hands ’till the 15th, I had no opportunity of writing to you before the meeting of the subscribers on the 17th, at which I exhibited the list you sent me, which was received & acted upon.1

Agreeably to the Laws of the two States, the subscription books ought to have been at that meeting; after which all subscriptions are to be made with the President & Directors. If it should have happened therefore, that any names have been entered on your Books subsequent, & in addition to the list you sent me; it would be proper for such subscribers to enter their names as the Law directs in the Book to be opened by the Directors, in order to give validity to their subscriptions & to prevent disputes2—this, I presume, may be done by letter. I am &c.

G: Washington


1For the meeting of the Potowmack Company in Alexandria on 17 May, see GW to Thomas Johnson and Thomas Sim Lee, 18 May, and particularly note 1 of that document.

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