To George Washington from Thomas Bibby, 4 May 1785
From Thomas Bibby
New York 4th May 1785
The enclosed letter and a parcell which accompanies it was entrusted to my care by Sr Edward Newenham, to be delivered to Your Excellency;1 I regret much the not having it in my power to present them myself, an honor which the situation of my affairs in this state deprives me of. I have hopes however before my return to Europe, to be enabled to receive in person any Commands Your Excellency may please to honor me with for that part of the World.2 I have the honor to be with respect Your Excellency’s most Obedient humble Servant
T: Bibby Captn Royl Brit[is]h Fuzileers
Thomas Bibby earlier was a lieutenant in the 24th Regiment of Foot in Ireland, with date of rank 28 Jan. 1775. His present regiment was the 21st Regiment of Foot.
1. Newenham’s letter was dated 3 Mar. and has not been found. The “parcell” probably contained the “Magazines, Gazettes &ca” for which GW thanked Newenham on 25 Nov. 1785.
2. See GW to Bibby, 10 Dec. 1785.