From George Washington to Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, 12 April 1785
To Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer
Mount Vernon 12th Apl 1785.
Dear Sir,
The Post preceeding the last, brought me your favor of the 31st Ulto—The next day I waited upon Colo. Hooe with your order, but he was confined to his bed & unable to do business. Two days after he sent me a Bill on New York for 2500 Dollars, payable at fifteen days sight; & gave me assurances that he wd pay the Balle shortly.1
In consequence, you have my receipt for £1069.1.7 specie at the foot of the enclosed list.2 I have given it for specie because you desired it; in full confidence however, that if the Bill shd not be duely honored; or that I should meet with delays, or difficulty in receiving the Balle, that it will be null, or have proper attention paid to the circumstances; for, otherwise, the interest of this money which was intended to pay a debt at New York will, cease, when a higher interest there, will be accumulating that debt & defeat my intention.3
I had taken up an idea, that, depreciation was the same thro’ he Mo.; & had calculated my demand accordingly. Mr Richmond varies the depreciation every day; by which his acct & mine differ £64.14.7⅛. I suppose he is right, & that I must submit to the disappointment.4
I am exceedingly obliged to you for your ready, & pointed attention to this business. Mrs Washington & Fanny Bassett present their Compliments to you; & I pray you to be assured of the sincere esteem & regard with which I am, Dear Sir, Your Most Obedt and Affectionate Hble Servt
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