To George Washington from Christopher Ludwick, 29 March 1785
From Christopher Ludwick
Philad[elphi]a March 29. 1785.
As Your Excellency often expressed a friendship and Regard for your old Baker Master, and well know what Service he was to the Army—I now beg leave to acquaint you that, finding my private Property greatly injured and diminished by my Attention to, and Exertions in the Public Service, and by necessary Advances of my remaining Cash to some near Relations of my Wife who by the Event of the Revolution have been reduced to indigent Circumstances, I have been obliged to apply to Congress for Compensation—Inclosed is a Copy of my Memorial to Congress, which I transmit for your Excellency’s Perusal.1
Several Gentlemen late Officers in the Army have chearfully granted me their Recommendation, but in Order to ensure my Success I wish to have a Recommendatory Letter from Your Excellency in my behalf to Congress on the Subject of my Memorial 2—I flatter myself that You will not refuse me this favor, and am with great Respect & Esteem Your Excellency’s Most obedt & very humbe servt
Christopher Ludwick
P.S. should your Excellency grant my Request, a Letter by the Post will be very acceptable to C. Ludwick who is now 65 Years of Age.
1. “The Memorial of Christopher Ludwick late Superintendent of the Baking Department in the Army of the United States” (DNA:PCC, item 41) is dated March 1785. Ludwick, who says he was out-of-pocket for large sums that he paid his bakers and that the thousand-dollar bounty he received was severely “reduced by Depreciation,” asked for “a Compensation or Bounty in Land or otherwise equal with other Officers who have served in the American Army.” On 13 June 1785 Congress voted to pay Ludwick 200 dollars.
2. Attached to the copy of Ludwick’s petition that he sent to GW (see note 1) were copies of three certificates: one signed by Arthur St. Clair, William Irvine, and Anthony Wayne; another by Timothy Pickering; and a third by Thomas Mifflin. A certificate, in GW’s letter book, misdated 12 April 1787 instead of 1785, reads: “I have known Mr Christr Ludwick from an early period of the War; and have every reason to believe, as well from observation as information, that he has been a true and faithful Friend, and Servant to the public. That he has detected and exposed many impositions which were attempted to be practiced by others in the department over which he presided. That he has been the cause of much saving in many respects. And that his deportment in public life has afforded unquestionable proofs of his integrity & worth.
“With respect to the particular losses of which he complains, I have no personal knowledge of them, but have often heard that he has suffered from his zeal in the cause of his Country. G. Washington” (DLC:GW).