George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Frederick Weissenfels, 27 March 1785

From Frederick Weissenfels

New York March 27th 1785.


Your Exellencys favour of the 15th instant, With which I was honored, leaves my Mind in the most perfect tranquility, that I may Expect the honor to recieve your Certificate, when your Exellency is furnished with one from his Exellency Governor Clinton, Which I here inclose.1

The Governor has mentioned my derangement, from the Continental Line, and although no Date by him Citet, I beg leave to Say, that it wass in the year 1780, after I had without intermission Served from the year 1775, (When in Canada with the late General montgomorie,) to that Periode. as upon the Journals of Congress will appear, that I wass promoted by their authority to a Lt Colo. in the year 1776.

I have with Chearfulness So Early Complied with your Exel’cys request, and mentain a pleasing prospect on its return. I am with Sentiments of great respect Your Exellencys most obiedent most humble Servant

Fredk Weissenfels


1The certificate that George Clinton gave Weissenfels has not been found, but GW wrote Weissenfels from Mount Vernon on 10 April: “Inclosed I give the certificate requested of me. If it shou’d conduce to your satisfaction, or be productive of any advantage to you—it will give me pleasure” (LB, DLC:GW). The text of the enclosed certificate was: “This certifies that Fred: Weissenfels Esqr. has served in the Foederal army of the United States of America from the year 1775 until the reduction which took place in the year 1780: that in the year 1776. he was promoted to the rank of Lieut: Colonel, & continued therein until the reduction above mentioned; after which (as a testimony of the good opinion entertained of him) he was appointed by the State of Nw York (in which he is a citizen) to command a regiment of State troops. That during the whole of this period, as far as his conduct came under my observation—& from the information of the General Officer under whose immediate command he served, he displayed a zeal, bravery & intelligence, which did honor to the military character—& in every respect has conducted himself as a Gentn & good Citizen. Given at Mount Vernon this 10th day of April 1785. G: Wn—late comr of the armies of the U.S.” (LB, DLC:GW).

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