To George Washington from William Blake, 20 March 1785
From William Blake
Charleston [S.C.] March 20th [1785]
Dear Sir
The want of an Opportunity has prevented me from hitherto forwarding you the Seeds and Plants I promised when I had the Honor of paying you my Respects at Mount Vernon; I wish they may answer your Expectations, such a Hedge will be an acquisition.1
Our State is anxious for the Honor of a Visit from you, I need not repeat, it woud gratify the summit of our Desires. Permit me, Sir, without intruding more on your Time to make a Tendre of my best Respects to Mrs Washington, and to assure you with greatest Regard & Esteem I remain Dear Sir Your most Obedient Humble Sert
William Blake
William Blake of Charleston (died c.1803) was a wealthy planter with extensive landholdings in South Carolina.
1. It is not known when William Blake was at Mount Vernon. On 21 May GW’s barge brought back from Pope’s Creek an assortment of trees and plants sent from South Carolina, including magnolia, live oak, sour orange, and “the Palmeto royal which Mr Blake of So. Carolina had sent me accompanied by some of the Plants” ( , 4:143–44).