George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Udny Hay, 31 January 1785

To Udny Hay

Mount Vernon 31st Jany 1785


The interruption of the Post, by the frost, will occasion a delay of this answer, which otherwise would have been avoided.1

Not being able to decypher the name of the Merchant in London, to whose care you desired my letter to your brother might be addressed, I send the enclosed certificate for him, under cover to you.2

I thank you for your kind and friendly wishes, & with Mrs Washington’s compliments to Mrs Hay & yourself, & a return of friendly sentiments. I am Sir &c.

G: Washington


2The following is written below the letter in the letter book: “Certificate inclosed—Neither directly, nor indirectly to my knowledge or belief, did I ever obtain the least information of the state of the British forces, or other concerns of theirs in Canada, from Mr Charles Hay, a subject of Great Britain under that Government—Certified at Mt Vernon in Virginia this 1st day of Feby 1785. G: W——n.”

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