To George Washington from Charles Willson Peale, December 1784
From Charles Willson Peale
[c.December 1784]
Dear Sir
since my writing by the last Post I have recd the Twenty five Guineas which you sent by Monsr Loyetta.1 your Manner of Spelling the Name led me into a difficulty of finding out the Gentleman and I am under some obligation to Mr Marboye the Minister’s Secy, for his assistance in the affair. I am Dear Sir your most obedient humble Servt
ADf, PPAmP: Charles Willson Peale Papers.
1. Loyetta (1756–1830) is probably Anne-Philippe-Dieudonné de Loyanté whom the state of Virginia employed briefly in 1778 as inspector general of its fortifications and military stores. He subsequently was made a lieutenant colonel and served under Steuben as a volunteer. It has not been determined when Loyanté returned to France, and it is possible that he remained in the United States as late as December 1784. Peale’s recent letter has not been found. It is not clear why GW sent him twenty-five guineas.