From George Washington to Thomas Blackburn, 19 December 1784
To Thomas Blackburn
Mount Vernon 19th Decr 1784.
Dr Sir,
The Express who brought me the resolves of our Assembly, & is going to Annapolis with dispatches for Govr Paca, informs me that he deliver’d others to you 1—It only remains therefore for me to add, that Thursday next, the 23d is the day appointed for the commissioners to meet at Annapolis.2 I shall go to our Court tomorrow, & proceed from thence. I am Dr Sir &c.
G: Washington
Thomas Blackburn, who represented Prince William County, Va., in several of the Revolutionary conventions of the 1770s, lived at Rippon Hall on Occoquan Creek.
1. Blackburn was one of the three men chosen by the Virginia assembly to go to Maryland and secure the passage of a bill creating the Potowmack Company, but he did not accompany GW and Horatio Gates. See Beverley Randolph to GW, 15 Dec. 1784, and notes 1 and 2 of that document.
2. See Blackburn’s response of 20 December. GW set 22 Dec, not 23 Dec, as the date for the meeting. Perhaps it was the copyist who wrote “23” by mistake.